Kappa Community Development Foundation Philanthropic Funds

KCDF Operating Funds

College Park Sandy Spring Community Action Fund

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Established in 2021, the College Park Sandy Spring Community Action Fund was established as a donor advised fund by the College Park Sandy Spring Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. The Kappa Community Development Foundation, Inc. is primarily responsible for the administration of the fund. The College Park Sandy Spring Alumni Chapter is responsible for funding the College Park Sandy Spring Community Action Fund. The purpose of this fund is to underwrite community services identified as needs in the communities in which the College Park Sandy Spring Alumni Chapter serves. Community needs range from the collection and distribution of book bags, back-to-school supplies, coats, foster care personal kits, various food items, health and wellness and other emergency needs.

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College Park Sandy Spring Guide Right/Kappa League Fund

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Established in 2021, the College Park Sandy Spring Guide Right/Kappa League Fund was established as a donor advised fund by the College Park Sandy Spring Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. The Kappa Community Development Foundation, Inc. is primarily responsible for the administration of the fund. The College Park Sandy Spring Alumni Chapter is responsible for funding the College Park Sandy Spring Guide Right/Kappa League Fund. The purpose of this fund is to underwrite the College Park Sandy Spring Alumni Chapter Guide Right Service Program. The Guide Right Service Program is Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc’s National Service Initiative and includes all our youth-oriented programs. Guide Right is a program of the educational and occupational guidance of youth, primarily inspirational and informative in character. The purposes of the Guide Right Service Program is to place the training, experience and interest of successful men at the disposal of youth.  The program focus on developing leadership, creating an achievement mindset, and mentoring.  The Flagship Initiative of the Guide Right Service Program is the Kappa Leadership Development League (Kappa League). The program has nationally and historically mentored over 500,000 young people.  The program is the oldest, most successful mentoring program for young people of color. 

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Kappa Community Development Foundation General Operating Fund

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Provides funding for the operations of the Foundation and for grants to support charitable initiatives consistent with the KCDF mission.

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KCDF Scholarship Funds

Charles Richardson Memorial Scholarship Fund

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Established in 2006, the Charles Richardson Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by the Kappa Community Development Foundation in cooperation with the Nyumburu Cultural Center at the University of Maryland. The intent of this award is to provide emergency funding to students to help defray immediate costs for books, and ultimately contribute to student success in the classroom. Applications are available through the Nyumburu Cultural Center offices. Nyumburu Cultural Center qualifies the applicants. Two (2) emergency scholarships of $500 are awarded prior to the Fall and Spring semesters for a total of four (4) annually. The award is formally named in honor of Charles Richardson, a former administrator, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. member, and the University of Maryland Chapter, the Theta Theta of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Mr. Richardson was an important advocate for all students at the university in the 1970s and 1980s and—because of his emphasis on academic success and graduation--is well deserving of this honor. 

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College Park Sandy Spring Books Award Fund

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Established in 2006, the College Park Sandy Spring Books Award Fund was established by the Kappa Community Development Foundation in cooperation with the College Park Sandy Spring Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. The College Park Sandy Spring Alumni Chapter funds and operates the College Park Sandy Spring Alumni Chapter Guide Right Service Program. The Guide Right Service Program is Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc’s National Service Initiative and includes all our youth-oriented programs. Guide Right is a program of the educational and occupational guidance of youth, primarily inspirational and informative in character. The purposes of the Guide Right Service Program is to place the training, experience and interest of successful men at the disposal of youth.  The program focus on developing leadership, creating an achievement mindset, and mentoring.  The Flagship Initiative of the Guide Right Service Program is the Kappa Leadership Development League (Kappa League). The program has nationally and historically mentored over 500,000 young people.  The program is the oldest, most successful mentoring program for young people of color. The College park Sandy Spring Books Award Fund compliments the mentoring program by funding $250 awards to graduating high school senior Kappa Leaguers in the College Park Sandy Spring program. The Senior Kappa Leaguers must provide proof of registration in the Fall at a four-year college/institution.

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Edgar Lee Chinn Memorial Scholarship Fund

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Established in 2017, the Edgar Lee Chinn Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by the Kappa Community Development Foundation in cooperation with the College Park Sandy Spring Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. This scholarship is established to provide funding to a graduating senior from the College Park Sandy Spring Kappa League Program. The graduating and active Kappa League seniors must compete for one (1) merit scholarship. The merit scholarship supports the undergraduate education of a worthy students in the field of the Kappa Leaguer’s choice. 

  1. An African-American male of high moral character;
  2. Have a high school GPA of 2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale (demonstrated via transcript);
  3. Demonstrate active involvement in the Kappa League Program in addition to school and community activities (e.g., sports, clubs, student government, honor society, volunteer work, etc.);
  4. Submit three (3) letters of recommendation, one of which must be from a school administrator or faculty member; and
  5. Show acceptance to an accredited four-year institution of higher learning for the next school year.

Edgar Lee Chinn III was a former educator and administrator. He also was a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., and  an advisor to the University of Maryland Chapter, the Theta Theta of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc in the 2010s. His dedication and commitment to youth development was undeniable.

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Henry “Hank” Boyd High School Merit College Scholarship Fund

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Established in 2013, the Henry “Hank” Boyd High School Merit College Scholarship Fund was established as a 1-year $1,000/year award by the Kappa Community Development Foundation. This scholarship was established to provide funding to students from one of twelve (12) selected high schools in Prince Georges (MD) and Montgomery Counties (MD). It is awarded to support the undergraduate education of worthy students in the field of their choice. Selection of a scholarship recipient is based on criteria that are appropriate to accomplishing the fundamental purpose of achievement in every field of human endeavor. Candidates for high school scholarship awards must meet the following criteria:

  1. An African-American male of high moral character;
  2. Have a high school GPA of 2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale (demonstrated via transcript);
  3. Demonstrate involvement in school and community activities (e.g., sports, clubs, student government, honor society, volunteer work, etc.);
  4. Submit three (3) letters of recommendation, one of which must be from a school administrator or faculty member; and
  5. Show acceptance to an accredited four-year institution of higher learning for the next school year.

Henry “Hank” Boyd was a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. and a signature donor to the Kappa Community Development Foundation. Mr. Boyd was a charter member of the College Park Sandy Spring Alumni Chapter and its first Polemarch (President).  Mr. Boyd dutifully served in the U.S. Army. His military career included tours of duty in France, Korea, Okinawa, Japan, and stateside. He was a veteran of the Korean and Vietnam wars, where he served as a member of the Special Forces Branch. After 21 years with the U.S. Army, Mr. Boyd Jr. started his own business and worked for 35 years in engineering, logistics, and management.

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Joseph Harris, Jr High School Merit College Scholarship Fund

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Established in 2013, the Joseph Harris, Jr High School Merit College Scholarship Fund was established as a 4-year $1,000/year award by the Kappa Community Development Foundation in cooperation with the College Park Sandy Spring Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. This scholarship was established to provide funding to students from one of twelve (12) selected high schools in Prince Georges (MD) and Montgomery Counties (MD). It is awarded to support the undergraduate education of worthy students in the field of their choice. Selection of a scholarship recipient is based on criteria that are appropriate to accomplishing the fundamental purpose of achievement in every field of human endeavor. Candidates for high school scholarship awards must meet the following criteria:

  1. An African-American male of high moral character;
  2. Have a high school GPA of 2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale (demonstrated via transcript);
  3. Demonstrate involvement in school and community activities (e.g., sports, clubs, student government, honor society, volunteer work, etc.);
  4. Submit three (3) letters of recommendation, one of which must be from a school administrator or faculty member; and
  5. Show acceptance to an accredited four-year institution of higher learning for the next school year.

Joseph Harris, Jr. dutifully served in the U.S. Army and as a federal employee with the Department of Treasury and the Department of Energy. He also worked in the insurance industry. Mr. Harris was a charter member of the Silver Spring (MD) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. and served as the Chartering Polemarch (President) in 1972. He also was a charter member of the College Park/Sandy Spring (MD) Alumni Chapter where he served as the Chartering Vice Polemarch (Vice President).

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Lucien Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund

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Established in 2019, the Lucien Brown Memorial Scholarship Fund was established as a donor advised feeder fund by college men who were initiated into the University of Maryland Chapter, the Theta Theta of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. for the purpose of funding The University of Maryland Chapter, the Theta Theta Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi, Lucien E. Brown Memorial Scholarship held and administered by the University System of Maryland Foundation, Inc.. The Kappa Community Development Foundation, Inc. is primarily responsible for the administration of the feeder fund. The Theta Theta alumni members are responsible for funding the Lucien Brown Memorial Fund administered by the Kappa Community Development Foundation. The endowed fund at the University of Maryland was established in 1995. Named in honor of Lucian E. Brown, a U.S. Army Captain at Ft. George Meade Army Command and charterer of the Theta Theta Chapter, the purpose of this fund is to provide financial support to qualified members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. and general body students enrolled at the university. The University System of Maryland Foundation Inc., established specific qualifications for applicants.

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Marc Felton High School Merit College Scholarship Fund

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Established in 2013, the Marc Felton High School Merit College Scholarship Fund was established as a 2-year $1,000/year award by the Kappa Community Development Foundation. This scholarship was established to provide funding to students from one of twelve (12) selected high schools in Prince Georges (MD) and Montgomery Counties (MD). It is awarded to support the undergraduate education of worthy students in the field of their choice. Selection of a scholarship recipient is based on criteria that are appropriate to accomplishing the fundamental purpose of achievement in every field of human endeavor. Candidates for high school scholarship awards must meet the following criteria:

  1. An African-American male of high moral character;
  2. Have a high school GPA of 2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale (demonstrated via transcript);
  3. Demonstrate involvement in school and community activities (e.g., sports, clubs, student government, honor society, volunteer work, etc.);
  4. Submit three (3) letters of recommendation, one of which must be from a school administrator or faculty member; and
  5. Show acceptance to an accredited four-year institution of higher learning for the next school year.

Marc Felton is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. and a signature donor to the Kappa Community Development Foundation.

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Nyumburu Cultural Center Miss Unity Scholarship Fund

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Established in 2022, the Nyumburu Cultural Center Miss Unity Scholarship Fund was established as an annual $4,000 award by the Kappa Community Development Foundation in support of the University of Maryland Nyumburu Cultural Center Miss Unity Scholarship Pageant’s first place winner. The Nyumburu Cultural Center was established in 1971 on the campus of the University of Maryland. The center has been a place for promoting an understanding of and appreciation for African American culture. The center is dedicated to advancing and augmenting the academic and multicultural missions of the university by presenting a forum for scholarly exchange, as well as artistic engagement via the rich culture and history of the African Diaspora. The cultural center sponsors the Miss Unity Scholarship Pageant for collegiate women each year and it serves as source of education funding. Serving as a competition, the center brings in judges of the pageant relative to the qualifications established for participation.

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PGCC Diversity Male Student Initiative Scholarship Fund

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Established in 2022, the PGCC Diversity Male Student Initiative Scholarship Fund was established as an annual $3,000 award (two scholarships) by the Kappa Community Development Foundation in support of the Prince George’s Community College Diversity Male Student Initiatives (DMSI). DMSI is an experiential, two-year program offered by PGCC (Prince George’s Community College). It starts in the fall of each year, and helps men focus their energies on self-improvement and community involvement. The program empowers male students to assume leadership roles. Prince George’s Community College is investing in the development of future leaders by helping talented men become more involved in neighborhood activities and organizations. Program participants will ultimately contribute to economic growth through higher paying jobs. They also contribute to community success by becoming more astute and active in diverse societal activities. Male students are encouraged to participate in DMSI if they are currently enrolled at Prince George’s Community College, have leadership potential, are willing to complete the entire year-long program, and have a desire to:

  1. Complete their education;
  2. Enhance their leadership and career skills;
  3. Gain hands-on community experience;
  4. Develop personal growth and character;
  5. Reach their educational goals;
  6. Participate in community affairs; and
  7. Volunteer achievement and leadership at the occupational, personal or community level.
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Wayne E. Young “Eagle” Scholarship Fund

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Established in 2021, the Wayne E. Young “Eagle” Scholarship Fund was established as a 1-year $1,000/year award by the Kappa Community Development Foundation in collaboration with the College Park Sandy Spring Alumni Chapter. This scholarship was established to provide funding to a student pursing an education at the University of Pittsburgh—Mr. Young’s alma mater. Selection is based on criteria that are appropriate to accomplishing the fundamental purpose of achievement in every field of human endeavor. Candidates must meet the following criteria:

  1. An African-American male of high moral character;
  2. Have a high school GPA of 2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale (demonstrated via transcript);
  3. Demonstrate involvement in school and community activities (e.g., sports, clubs, student government, honor society, volunteer work, etc.);
  4. Submit three (3) letters of recommendation, one of which must be from a school administrator or faculty member; and
  5. Show acceptance to an accredited four-year institution of higher learning for the next school year.

Wayne E Young was a life member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. Mr. Young was always passionate about mentoring young men, and as a result, he faithfully served as the College Park Sandy Spring Chapter's Guide Right Director. Mr. Young was so effective and impactful in his role that he received special recognition and was honored with the 2019 Bert V. Wadkins, National Guide Right Director Award. Mr. Young also believed in giving back to the community and mentoring young Black men in preparation for higher education. He took an active role in numerous community-based programs geared toward helping those who were less fortunate. Mr. Young wanted all young men to soar like eagles as they pursued their dreams.

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